SAC Congregational Survey

Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey! Our Vision Community appreciates your insight as it will help us in refining the vision for our church community.

We invite your honest responses. Your personal information will not be distributed and any of your responses will be kept anonymous.

About You:

SAC Vision & Values

Our current vision is to be a church for the city.

Our core values include:
ALL PEOPLE: People matter to God, so they matter to us.
ABUNDANT LIFE: Experiencing and encountering Jesus here and now.
BEING REAL: We will live life together. It’s ok to not be ok.
BIG PRAYERS: We have a big God, so we will pray big & pray often.
LOOKING OUTWARD: We are sent to love our city and world.
SERVING OTHERS: We all have a role to play. Do something.

Please consider these as you answer the following questions.

Vision Questions:

Additional Thoughts